
Read more about our project here

Childrens Village Adwampong/Kumasi

10952470_10153293864107240_4299115854040441467_nA big dream binds us LoszuGhana. We dream of an LoszuGhana Children`s Village, which we will create from scratch. In this village, small children and teenagers will be brought up and fostered in a secure and caring family-like home.The way from dream to reality:
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The Farm 
Bild2                The farm is very importent to LoszuGhana its one way to be able to support our self in the future. Fruit,vegtable and animals. Its also an abilty to teach the children about farming.                                                                                                                             Read more about this project

projekt Old Adwampong Community school 

skolan2014ht Education is the most important thing for the future for the children and the country. Read more about our school project in the small village.
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