Welcome Daniel 7 years old and his younger brother Kwaku 5 år
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Christmas celbration and adventure in town
At Christmas we had a tree and celbrated with bonfire and dance in the evening. At 26/12 we all Children and Mothers went to town for a visit in a nice parc in Kumasi. Thank You for support for our visit in town.

Dance and Musicevent
The student in the school are learns how to do a dancepreformance. Its a dance and musicevent next day. The video are soon to be seen from the event.

Bye bye bumpyroad!
The road up to Childrens Village has been terrible more bumps then road. Finally a smoth way to enter Childrens Village! Bye bye bumpyroad!

Time for school!
New schoolbags and New schooluniforms! Ready steady go! Time for school!

The children loves to come along to the farm. Its exciting to see how it grows. Here its plantain putting in to the ground.

2015 harvest of Cassava was good. Here You can see how we prepair it to be Gari how is very common in the Ghaniankitchen. At the same time in the bush we collect some wood.

Shool gets two new classrooms
The school population has now risen to about 120 children from kindergarten to class 5. There have been various new improvements such as construction of two new classrooms for class 4 and class and 5. As a result, the engagement of new teachers to handle the classes. Moreover an administrator will be employed at the end of […]

Thank You Message
Merry Christmas and Happy new year!